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Balancing Act® Newsletter

Balancing Act® is our registered trademark. You are encouraged to share the contents with others with appropriate attribution. Please use the ® whenever the phrase “Balancing Act” is used in connection with this newsletter or our workshops. Our subscriber count is now at 7,649.

We also reach over 10,000 journalists as part of a monthly press release through the ExpertClick.com, Spokespersons, and Leading Authorities, although I don't count them in our subscriber total.

In September of 1999 I began Balancing Act® with the intent to push my own “envelope” a bit, as the test pilots say. I started with 40 names of people whom I thought wouldn't become violent if I sent an unsolicited newsletter. As you can see, we've grown to more than 300 times that number, with virtually no promotion. I can only conclude that these are topics of value and the price is right. I want to thank you all for participating. I'm having a great time.

Balancing Act is a free, monthly, electronic newsletter written by Alan Weiss and based on his popular public workshop: Balancing Act: Blending life, work, and relationships.

We respect the privacy of our clients and customers. We gather data only to substantiate orders and requests. We never sell, lease, lend, or otherwise share our lists.